My network is worth $1,195,537



I guess that is something to be thankful for the day before Thanksgiving. Gigaom is linking to an Xing site, which calculates the value of your network. Mine is over a million dollars. You enter in some demographic information and they describe the size of your network, and the frequency of contact. Of course, a figure like how many people do you speak to weekly is very hard to estimate, which makes me question this numbers and charts really mean.

In the gallery section, you can compare your network value with others by country and industry and age (which is the horizontal access.) This clever addition makes it competitive, and vastly more sticky and viral. But I’m not sure why we are seeing all the peaks and curves. I’m not sure how many people have submitted to this, so it might a few people might be outliners and causing spikes. Getting more data points might smooth out the curve, I guess I’ll check back later.

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