Category Archives: spectrum

Verizon set to open their wireless network in 2008.

Things just got really interesting in the mobile / wireless world. Verizon announced that they will over two categories of service by the end of 2008. One will continue to be its bundled handset service, and the other will be … Continue reading

Posted in auction, innovation, mobile, networks, spectrum, telecommunications | 1 Comment

A little cross posting: flow article on Kevin Martin and the FCC

Image source: I got a little behind writing here the last week, because my spare time writing was taken up by finishing my flow column on Kevin Martin, the chairperson of the FCC. It’s up, so I thought I’d … Continue reading

Posted in spectrum, telecommunications, television, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Breaking news in 2005: Google buys dark fiber, builds data center, to create its own Internet

Image source: John Hoffmann’s Weblog I’m back from a short trip to the beach, only to return to a massive thunder storms which lead to an extra long commute due to flooding and the sweet smell of raw sewage in … Continue reading

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What’s it all about, Wi-Fi?

Images source: With all this Google and spectrum talk swirling the internet and news media, I keep coming back to Wi-Fi as a good way to contextualizing the importance of having open networks and services, as well as open … Continue reading

Posted in access, auction, google, innovation, spectrum, telecommunications, wifi, wimax | Comments Off on What’s it all about, Wi-Fi?

Google gets 2 out of 4

Just a quick post on the upcoming 700MHz spectrum. Yesterday, FCC released guidelines on the auction. Google was pressing for 4 points on its policy blog: * Open applications: consumers should be able to download and utilize any software applications, … Continue reading

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Digital Television: who’s ready?

image source: marcelstvmuseum I admit that I watch very little television on a traditional set. Most of my viewing is on my laptop, via WebTV or DVD. However, millions of people in the US do watch on traditional sets. On … Continue reading

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Google planning to buy up spectrum

Google says that it is considering to bid in the upcoming auction of 700 MHz spectrum, which will be free when television switches over to a digital in 2009. It could all just be posturing to get the FCC to … Continue reading

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