Category Archives: telecommunications

Museum of the Phantom City Redux

The fine folks at Urban Omnibus and WNYC are hosting a meet up at Bryant Park this Saturday to explore New York’s unbuilt future from the past with the project I worked on: Museum of the Phantom City. Details below… … Continue reading

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This is New York

Shot from the top floor of 14 Wall St. J P Morgan (the person, not the bank) used the entire floor as a piet de terre. Wonderfully surprised by the renovation of Alice Tully by Diller Scofdio + Renfro and … Continue reading

Posted in access, book, design, off topic, telecommunications | 2 Comments

Why Are Comedians Providing The Most Relevant Journalism?

We’re in the final stretch of a long presidential campaign, which is a watershed election for many reasons. The more obvious having to do with the race and gender of the candidates. However, there are lesser ones which are important … Continue reading

Posted in culture, information, online offline, publishing, telecommunications, television | 2 Comments

Call On Me.

Image source: I’m in San Francisco, for short project, this week. On some downtime, I told Florian that in my next place I live, I want to get a landline, a real copper wire one, not VOIP. He turned … Continue reading

Posted in mobile, telecommunications | 2 Comments

Saul Bass left a footprint in Chelsea

I was walking in Chelsea last Sunday, and approached one of Verizon’s buildings. I wondered if there where any remnants of Saul Bass‘ classic Ma Bell logo. His design was the last in the evolution of the Bell System’s logo, … Continue reading

Posted in design, innovation, telecommunications | 2 Comments

Regional social networks

I have IM accounts on AIM, iChat, Yahoo, MSN, Gmail and Skype. (Years ago, I once used ICQ and IRC.) I always find it interesting, how certain services are popular in specific countries. AIM is most popular in the US, … Continue reading

Posted in design, networks, social networks, telecommunications | 1 Comment

Verizon set to open their wireless network in 2008.

Things just got really interesting in the mobile / wireless world. Verizon announced that they will over two categories of service by the end of 2008. One will continue to be its bundled handset service, and the other will be … Continue reading

Posted in auction, innovation, mobile, networks, spectrum, telecommunications | 1 Comment

Controlling the Internet

Images source: Wikimedia Commons, Matt Brim The October issue of Discovery magazine has an article that piqued my interest, entitled, “This Man Wants to Control the Internet. And you should let him.” The man is Caltech professor, John Doyle, an … Continue reading

Posted in innovation, ip, networks, telecommunications | Comments Off on Controlling the Internet

Is Metcalfe’s Law wrong?

Image source: IEEE Noah Brier posted an interesting link recently to an article claiming that Metcalfe’s Law, which famously has been paraphrased to be the value of a network exponentially quadratically grows with each additional node, is wrong. This is … Continue reading

Posted in MobileCampNYC, networks, social networks, telecommunications | 1 Comment

Fragmenting the Internet.

Image source: My last post to described the work by Kevin Werbach, a legal professor at the UPenn’s Wharton School of Business. I first heard about him at this year’s Telecommunications Policy Research Conference. He is looking at … Continue reading

Posted in information, networks, telecommunications, Uncategorized | 2 Comments